Created by a mom and thriving all over North America and around the world, VarageSale helps families find incredible local deals and earn extra spending money selling their stuff. Each community is managed by a team of admins who are devoted to fostering a friendly and welcoming environment. Code of Conduct
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Varagesale Guidelines: Please read CAREFULLY, we reserve the right to Revoke anyone who violates our rules without any warning to you and a strike may be issued. These rules here are your warning. NO advanced warnings will be given. In order to be an effective community, we MUST all follow the rules.
This is a yard sale site for people located in Menifee, Murrieta, Temecula, Canyon Lake & some other local areas. All pick ups/meet ups MUST be in the Menifee area (zip codes: 92584-92587).
Please respect that not all members may be willing to travel outside of their area to buy/sell an item. Although we encourage buyers/sellers to decide on where to meet, if you are outside of Menifee you may NOT request that people pick up from you OR put pick up in your area on your posts.
-SELLERS: Effective from 4/13/18 we will be checking categories & seller accounts and any item that is not in compliance with our rules and cannot be amended WILL be deleted without warning. If the post can be amended we will tag you under your item telling you what you need to change within 48 hours, a tag will be issued under our Rules For Sellers Admin Tip. If your item is not updated after that time it WILL be deleted.
If you continue to ignore this ruling after we have brought it to your attention your account WILL be temporarily Revoked and a strike issued.
1st Strike: 1 week suspension;
2nd Strike: 2 week suspension;
3rd Strike: Immediate, permanent removal from our community.
All items for sale must have a correct Asking Price and be available for pick up in 24 hours. If the price is not correct we will tag you to correct it within 48 hours and if not updated your item WILL be deleted.
The first person who asks a question, comments possibly interested, interested, next or clicks the Message Seller button on EACH item is the first in line. DO NOT skip over the person who needs an answer to a question. They obviously are showing interest.
However the seller does not have to wait forever for a commitment. Please give buyers an 8 hour timeframe for communication from the time you tag or PM them. The seller can give more than 8 hours and that is totally their call.
Once a buyer agrees to purchase an item please allow at least an additional 24 hours for them to pick up. If you need your item gone within 24 hours please DO NOT post it in our community. This includes any FREE items. The same rule applies.
If a buyer has not contacted you within 8 hours from the time you tag or PM them you are free to move onto your next buyer and delete their comment under your post. It is totally up to the seller to hold an item past 8 hours. If you cannot communicate with your buyers in a reasonable timeframe, please DO NOT sell your items here.
If a buyer asks to 'see' the item first and they cannot look at it within 24 hours you are free to delete their comment, move on and tag or PM your next buyer. Asking to 'see' an item is NOT a guaranteed sale.
Any seller who schedules a porch pick up with a buyer and the item is not outside WILL be held accountable for a No Show and a Strike WILL be issued.
Please also mention in your About Me section or in your description if you live in an apartment, dirt road or gated community and please make sure you give accurate directions and instructions for pick up.
A tag is NOT a place in line until the tagged person makes a comment so you can just ignore any tags. Any member commenting interested and a tag - the tag will be deleted as you CANNOT do both.
You can BUMP 10 items every 2 hours.
Weblinks are NOT allowed on any item except for Small Business posts OR to give more information regarding the item you are selling.
NO Stock Photos. Please post a picture of the actual item as your main picture or it will be deleted without warning. If its new in the box your main picture needs to be of the box and in the comments or in additional photos you can post a stock photo.
NO selling copies of DVDs. This is illegal and NOT allowed.
OVERSTOCK ITEMS: These items MUST have an actual Asking Price. You can post the exact same item in one post but you MUST specify how many you have, update your post as they sell and delete any comments not applicable anymore.
COUPONS: DO NOT sell any SAMPLE coupons. These items can ONLY be posted for FREE. If they have a price you will be tagged and PMed to update your post or delete it.
No PRIVATE SELLING is allowed in our community. Any buyer that sends you a PM about an item you MUST check your item BEFORE responding to your buyer to make sure you are communicating with the correct buyer. If they have not posted an interested comment you MUST tell them to put a comment under EACH item first to get their place in line before you can discuss an offer or pick up arrangements by PM. Sellers that continue to sell privately WILL have their account temporarily Revoked.
If you decide to donate OR sell your item privately please delete it. Any seller that does not follow the 8 hour rule to each buyer to decide and AT LEAST 24 hours to pick up WILL have their account temporarily Revoked.
You can only post any item ONCE, so pick a category and NO DUPLICATES or they will be deleted without warning. No matter if it fits into more than one category, you can only have ONE post per item. If your item is duplicated and xposted the items WILL be deleted completely without warning.
Any item with Make An Offer, First Come First Serve or Curb Alert in the Title or Description WILL be deleted without warning.
FORMULA: DO NOT sell any SAMPLE or NOT FOR RESALE formula. They can ONLY be given for FREE. If they have a price you will be tagged and PMed to update your post or delete it.
CAR SEATS: Please include the expiration or manufacturing date in your Description for ALL baby carriers, bases, car seats and booster seats or they WILL be deleted without warning.
PETS: Pets can ONLY be sold if you have an appropriate rehoming fee of $10 or more. Please also include their age in your Description. FREE pets are not allowed. You will be tagged and PMed to update your post or delete it. Continuing to post free pets may result in your account being temporarily Revoked.
Any seller who backs out of a sale with an interested buyer WILL have their account temporarily Revoked and a strike issued. Posting an item for sale is a commitment and you MUST follow through with selling it.
-BUYERS: Please post that you are "interested" in an item by either asking a question, commenting interested, possibly interested, next or clicking the 'Message Seller' button. If there are other buyers ahead of you when you are directed to PM the seller please choose to 'Skip the message'. The seller will either tag you or PM you when its your turn. If you change your mind simply comment "PASS" or click 'I am no longer interested' to remove your comment. DO NOT hold up a sale if you cannot commit to purchase. Please respond to your seller within 8 hours or they may move onto the next person in line.
If you cannot communicate with your sellers in a reasonable timeframe, please DO NOT buy in our community.
If you are not sure about an item ask to 'see' it first. Any buyer who passes on an item after measurements and address have been given that is reported to Admin WILL have their account temporarily Revoked.
DO NOT make a lower offer on the wall or discuss prices. This may ONLY be done through a Private Message. Any offers made on the wall or discussing prices WILL lose your place in line and your comment WILL be deleted without warning.
IMPORTANT*** Any no shows that are reported with screenshots WILL have their account temporarily Revoked due to our new 3 Strike Ruling for No Shows. NO EXCEPTIONS. ***
If you commit to purchase and make an appointment to pick up, that is a firm commitment and you MUST follow through with that. We all have emergencies and things that come up, but communicate with the seller. If you communicate with the seller they may allow you to reschedule one time ONLY but its totally their call.
We do NOT issue any warnings. Reading our rules is your warning that if reported by a seller your account WILL be temporarily suspended once we see the screenshots of your PMs.
If we continue to get reports of 3 no shows your account will be permanently removed from our community. Any buyer simply changing their mind after an appointment to pick up has been set is not acceptable. Simply put, if you agree to buy an item, you MUST buy it.
PLEASE NOTE: You cannot pass on an item after a pick up has been scheduled. If you do this and Admin receive a complaint your account WILL be temporarily Revoked and a strike issued. NO EXCEPTIONS.
*** This does not include items that are not as described. You may refuse to purchase an item if it is not as the seller described it...
ie.. condition is much worse than described. BUT if you pick up the item without carefully checking it then that condition is no longer valid.
Asking for donations or money for any cause are not allowed in our community. All fundraisers that are community events must be listed in More Categories, Events & Community, Our Community Section ONLY.
Business postings are allowed in the Small Business Category ONLY and ONE post per business. This includes offering to babysit or other services. You may NOT advertise any items related to your business in any way in ANY other category Your business profile picture also MUST be something with your business name printed on it.
Handmade Items can be posted in ANY category BUT custom orders may ONLY be posted in our Handmade Items & Craft Supplies category.
ALL posts MUST have a price. You cannot say make an offer. If your post does not say a specific price you will be tagged and PMed to update it. If it is not updated your post WILL be deleted. This is not eBay.
Prohibited Items: VarageSale does not allow the sale of:
RULE OF THUMB: if it is illegal in the state of CA then it is illegal here.
NO DRAMA. If you have an issue with someone else in our community, use a PM to sort it out. Contact an admin if you cannot resolve the problem. DO NOT post any negativity in our community. All members including Admin need to be respected.
In addition, follow basic moral guidelines to all of your transactions. This will fall under the Admin's discretion.
Xposting is now allowed but you MUST follow our xposting restrictions. Any xposted item that violates our rules WILL be deleted without warning. If you continue to violate the same rule your account WILL be temporarily Revoked and a strike issued. XPOST AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Commencing immediately the following rules have been put into place. Any seller continuing to violate our xposting restrictions WILL be issued the following:
1st Warning: 1 week suspension;
2nd Warning: 2 week suspension and all your items will be deleted;
3rd Warning: Permanent ban from Menifee Exchange.
PLEASE, as soon as you have a buyer, 'RESERVE' your item. If the sale falls through report to Admin with screenshots, 'UNRESERVE' it and start again with your next buyer.
If your item is not xposted and once the item has been picked up, please 'MARK IT AS SOLD' but DO NOT delete your item as these items will count towards your Top Member status. It will auto delete in 7-8 days.
If your item is xposted and gets sold elsewhere PLEASE delete your item from our community.
You can bump 10 items every 2 hours. The "Bump" feature is located next to your item.
You CANNOT save a place in line for someone by tagging them. You can tag them, but that does not save their spot until they put an interested comment themselves. If you tag someone and then put "interested" yourself your tag WILL be deleted without warning.
Please review the "Admin Tips" under the categories tab for more helpful information about how to use our community or contact Admin at anytime with any questions.
Check out our Discussion wall occasionally to see what's going on! PLEASE DO NOT post ISOs or items for sale in this section.
PLEASE remember that things happen, people make mistakes, extend grace and treat others as you want to be treated. Most importantly, have fun & make some money!
Thanks for your understanding.
Your ME Administrator