Created by a mom and thriving all over North America and around the world, VarageSale helps families find incredible local deals and earn extra spending money selling their stuff. Each community is managed by a team of admins who are devoted to fostering a friendly and welcoming environment. Code of Conduct
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~ This group is fun for all to shop, sell and get advice. Please... if you are having problems with anyone, please private message them and try to deal with the issue amongst yourselves. ANY DRAMA WILL RESULT IN BEING REMOVED FROM THE GROUP!
~ The admins of this group will not moderate or referee member disputes. Please resolve disputes calmly & civilly in a private message and not publicly on the group feed.
~ Sales are first come, first served. The admins do not get involved in member transactions and cannot dictate to a member who they should sell to.
~ BUYERS: Please make sure the item you are buying is in good condition before you pay. It is your responsibility to check it thoroughly, plugging it in if necessary. If you grab and run you are taking a risk.
~ SELLERS: Please make sure your item is in the condition you stated. Check for flaws and make sure it is in working order. If you leave an item outside for a buyer, you do so at your own risk. You can bump your items every 12 hours via the "My Stuff" tab at the top of the page.
~ Here is the list of VarageSale's prohibited items:
Be kind to one another and enjoy!