Created by a mom and thriving all over North America and around the world, VarageSale helps families find incredible local deals and earn extra spending money selling their stuff. Each community is managed by a team of admins who are devoted to fostering a friendly and welcoming environment. Code of Conduct
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Be nice and be respectful and make your own buy/sell/trade guidelines.
You must have a profile picture to join VarageSale as well as remain active on VarageSale. The profile picture can be one of your choosing as long as it's family friendly. Those without a profile picture will be revoked until one is added.
Please do not post links to other trade groups or personal sales sites (like Facebook groups, etsy, ebay, etc) unless in the Small Business Directory. This does not include reference links in posts (like an item on Amazon). Feel free to send links to people via Message.
Only one listing per item. Additional photos may be added in the comments or in the listing if using the mobile app. Pick the best category the first time because items cannot be listed in more than one category. All but one of your listings for a single item will be removed without notice. Please list each item separately if you are selling the items separately.
Do not delete your photos and re-post them. We have a very generous 'bump timer' that allows you to push all of your items up to the top of the feed once every 24 hours. Please use the bump arrows. Do not write "bump" or "." or "available."
Please only one post per business in the Small Business Directory.
We encourage you to make offers through Private Message instead of on the post/newsfeed. Do NOT post your phone number or physical address in your post. It will be removed. This is for your safety.
Only on hand, overstock and discontinued items maybe sold by consultants (Scentsy, Thirty-One Bags, etc) in the feed, and must be described as such. All business related posts need to be contained in the Small Business Directory. If you have to order it, it is a small business post and not a single item.
VarageSale prohibits the sale of the following: Firearms/ Weapons, Alcohol/ Drugs/ Tobacco & Smoking related items, recalled Items , Counterfeit Items, Pornography and expired car/booster seats. These items will be removed without notification. These items and a few more are listed in the Terms of Service for the VarageSale platform, please review before posting if you are wondering about a specific item -
When listing a car seat, booster seat, or base, you must list either the manufactured date or the expiration date. No recalled or expired items may be given away for free on VarageSale including but not limited to car seats, booster seats and bases. Expired seats and those with no date listed will be deleted.
Recalled items without the repair kit will be deleted. More specific information can be found here: Bumbo seats were recalled. Cannot be sold or given away without the fix it strap kit available through the company.
We do not allow the sale of Baby Formula samples or Formula Coupons. However, you may give them away or trade. When posting Formula for sale, you must show a clear picture of the container AND list an expiration date. The item will be deleted if we cannot determine whether the formula is a sample, the picture is unclear or if it doesn't include an expiration date. Sample formula is not for retail sale. If you have questions, please get in touch with the Admin in charge of baby categories, Amy Turpin.
Manufacturer coupons may be given away for free or traded. No selling.
We do not allow the selling, re-homing, adopting out of animals. We used to allow re-homing but due to recent abuses, we no longer can. However, Lost & Found posts are encouraged!
You must be 18 years old to use this group. If we are unable to determine that you are 18, we will ask for verification. If it is reported that you are under age, you will be removed. This is for the safety of all parties involved.
Please do NOT leave negative praises. They will be deleted. If you have an issue with a buyer or seller, please address it with the member through private message and send a private message to one of the Admins.
The Admins are volunteers here to help facilitate the group, keep things moving and answer questions. Please be patient when you send a message and expect a response. This site expects each member to take responsibility for their own actions, reactions and behavior. Admins reserve the right to edit, delete or move your items to the appropriate category.