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Baby Jogger City Versa GT

Baby Jogger City Versa. It's a single stroller that the seat faces forward and parent faces, I got the "gt" wheels so I'll give those and the original wheels. It's folds very flat for car storage which is a great feature! I have the parent console and car seat attachments for a Nuna Pipa car seat (compatible with maxi cosi car seats too). I'm a stroller freak and so it's in excellent condition and it's a coveted stroller from this stroller FB group I'm a part of. speak_no_evil that's pretty embarrassing to admit... ha! I'm selling it all for $275. I bought the stroller for $500, wheels for like $75+, console for $30ish (I think?), and adapters for $45ish (I think).
Let me know if anyone is interested!

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Cash only. Pickup only please. Thank you!

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Baton Rouge, LA Buy and Sell

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