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New Retro Breeze: Logiix USB Fan - Vintage 8" in Bronze

Introducing the Logiix USB Retro Fan, an 8" top-of-the-line table fan that makes staying cool during hot summers easier than ever. This oscillating fan is not only portable but also comes with a logiix desk fan and a 5 ft. USB cable included in the package.

The Logiix USB Retro Fan, with its stylish design, offers a practical cooling solution without sacrificing elegance. It is a personal USB powered fan, providing 180 degrees of oscillation and featuring anti-slip rubber pads for stability on any desktop. The bronze color adds to its charm, making it the perfect accessory for your workspace.

Equipped with a USB connection, the fan is incredibly versatile and can be powered through various devices such as laptops desktop_computer️, power banks battery, or USB wall adapters electric_plug. This feature ensures that you can enjoy its cooling breeze wherever you are wind_face️, whether at your desk 🪑, in your bedroom bed️, or even outdoors national_park️.

Enhance comfort with this New Retro Breeze: Logiix USB Fan - Vintage 8" in Bronze. Stay cool using the versatile USB connection, suitable for laptops desktop_computer️, power banks battery, and USB wall adapters electric_plug. Enjoy the refreshing breeze anywhere wind_face️ - at your desk 🪑, in your bedroom bed️, or even outdoors national_park️. Don't miss out on this stylish and functional cooling solution!

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