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HyperLocal(s) Podcast Episode

NEW EPISODE! DeAngelo Newson with Wife Stef. Love at First Bite With the Meat Man and High Expectations Lead to Heated Conversations. HyperLocals C-U Podcast episode 105.
This professionally trained chef, with wife Stef, fell in love with cooking food when he saw his cousin's face light up while eating his first solo dish. This passion won out over his second love, basketball, and would lead him to the pursuit of higher education at Le Cordon Bleu in Atlanta. This militant environment would whittle a thousand students down to a few hundred by the end of the year.
Listen as this Tennessee transplant talks about having three girls under two, cooking and eating the fresh catch of the day which earned him the nickname "The Meat Man," crying in the kitchen, the popularization of pressure cooker kitchens in popular media and art imitating life, having a vision that is clear only in your head, Stef stepping fully into a stay-at-home mom role while practicing and perfecting the baking side of their Dining With Dee business and finally the surprise interview that landed him his current job bringing fresh, elevated food to a local retirement home. This pair is the perfect combination of sweet and spice!
Please, please subscribe (so you know when new episodes drop) and share! Find at or wherever you find podcasts.

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