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Christmas tree decoration lot

Ornaments, tree skirt (burgundy with a beige moose on it), matching stockings (2 big ones, 2 wee ones). From the Woodland collection. Think burgundy, burlap, wood, snow, natural. If I unpack it to take pics, I won't be able to get it back in neatly - maybe I didn't play with enough blocks as a kid, but packing in a logical fashion is a skill I do not possess.

I love love love my Christmas tree theme. LOVE. I, by far, have the best looking tree out of my entire social circle - their trees are peasant trees compared to mine - The problem is, is that I bought these for the home I shared with my now ex-husband. Christmas is supposed to bring cheer, no? Cheer will not be had if I have to look at these decorations - only disdain will be had and that's not what xmas is about, Charlie Brown.

Oh, and the best and most goodest boy of them all as seen in the pic, is not included with the lot.

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