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4 1/2" Fossil Megalodon Shark Tooth

This is a huge shark tooth from an extinct shark named Carcharodon Megalodon that was found in one of my favorite local rivers. The fossilized tooth has tan and green coloration , measures 4 1/2 inches long and is 3 5/8 inches across the dark brown colored root .
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BE SURE TO VISIT > (www.SharkIslandJewelers.ets...) > My web sit with other items .
>>> These are all 100% genuine fossil Megalodon shark teeth with no repair or restoration .<<<

This tooth coloring like any fossil is due to the soil it was fossilized in.

To give you an idea how large this shark was consider that the largest Great White shark in our oceans today is about 25 feet long and could have a record size tooth of 2 3/4 inches long. The Megalodon shark was about the size of a school bus ( 65 feet long ).

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