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White, top-down bottom-up cellular shades

These shades all work very well and have a lot of life left in them. The top-down feature allows you to see the sky and allow some light in while maintaining privacy.

Home Depot Canada doesn't appear to carry these any more, so I've included links to the US website for more information. Note that the webpages add a 0.25" gap for mounting inside of a window frame.

These blinds are usually cut to size by HD when you buy them. I'd guess that if you take them to the store, they'd do it for you again.

There are two blinds measuring 44.5" wide x 72" tall. $60 each or $100 for both.

And two measuring 28.25" x 48". $30 each or $50 for both.

The shades come with the original inside-mount brackets.

Buy all four for $125.

Available in the following communities
Victoria BC, Swap & Shop

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