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Ladies Boutique Clothing Sale - THURSDAY 10/1 8:15 to noon - cash and cc (small fee

BACK ONE MORE DAY BY REQUEST!!!! I HAVE ADDED MORE CLOTHING AND SHOES TO THE SALE AS WELL! Come check it out!!! After that, it is getting hauled away for donation!

Ladies, are you looking to update your wardrobe for fall and winter BUT not break the bank? I have your solution...I am a shop-a-holic and I like the good brands and all items are ON TREND (leather, fur, long duster sweaters, boyfriend and skinny jeans, fringe, etc) wink emoticon! I am simplifying and selling over 200 pieces of clothing (size small and medium), scarves, shoes (size 6) at crazy prices. All items are between $1 and $20 and in amazing condition. Some never worn, some worn once or twice.

My garage will be open for your shopping pleasure - 22111 E. Belleview Place, Aurora 80015! Can't make those hours, PM me for a private appt.

Here are some sneak peeks at clothing that will be sold....TRENDS ALERT! Outfit details in pics...a few of these items shown are still avail!

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