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9 Card-Making Scrap-Booking Martha Stewart KIDS Magazines + 3 Stamps

All magazines and stamps are in excellent pre-owned condition.

The Martha KIDS mags each have dozens of projects for children: craft, activities, fun things to do and make, both for indoor & outdoor as well as cooking, baking and more. These magazines are famous for their interesting, simple yet charming crafts that don't need high end craft store purchases. I've added a few pictures for you to get the flavour. Great idea starters for parents and teachers alike. The issues are 2002 - 2003 - 2005.

The Card and Scrap-Book Crafting Mags: If ever there was ever a time to catch up with making cards and getting your scrapbook in order this is it. And there are so many occasions to make cards for: Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter, Birthdays, weddings and so much more. Save yourself some money and have fun with a relaxing hobby at the same time. They are full of super creative ideas to get you going on making some really personal cards and saving yourself some money in the process. Can you believe how expensive cards have become? They have alphabets that you can use - how to make envelopes and one even has a section for making cards that move. These two magazines are in very good pre-owned condition - there is no damage to either one of them.

I have also added 3 stamps - Sun Moon - A - Lily Iris Flower.

Thank you for looking at these items. I am selling them as I need to thin down my various collections which have grown huge over years of collecting. We are in White Rock - right by the Semihamoo Mall. Cash or PayPal please, no e-transfer. We are a - no smoking - no pet - home.

Thanks, Andrea

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