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Mosquito fighting Heirloom LEMON BALM!

This wonderful, hardy plant is such a wonderful plant to have- it’s uses are so many it’s really hard to list them all, health, mosquito repellent, fragrance, garnish, from cooking to cleaning, and beyond, but the internet can tell you everything- it’s surprising how useful and beneficial it is, not the least of which is it’s ability to repel mosquitoes...just crush and rub on your skin- mosquitoes HATE them! And their wonderful lemon fragrance makes them a wonderful natural deodorizer! The list goes on and on. I had a bountiful harvest of them this year, so I’m selling them at only 3- they multiply very generously and come back year after year, so that one investment will repay you generously!
I’m saying first come first first serve just so I won’t have to keep up with any certain order, but I have plenty of these so there’s no rush. (I also have so many I can reduce the price further for multiple numbers of them.)
And they are COMPLETLY CHEMICAL AND PESTICIDE FREE! Very healthy and good for you!

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