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Grand Piano

Inherited from my mother but I have no room for. Rare “Butterfly" or "Symmetry" grand, a model that Mason & Hamlin produced in the late 1930s - 1940s era. It is called a "Butterfly" or "Symmetry" grand because it has the curve on both sides, not just on one side like most grand pianos. It is made of imported Honduran Mahogany wood.

This piano is special for several reasons; First, Mason & Hamlin was known as one of the finest piano manufacturers in American history. They hold their value very well are they are the only real competitor to Steinway - Second, this style of symmetrical piano was a very limited production for Mason & Hamlin. Not many were made. Third, this piano is of the rare carved Louis XV style; most of these pianos were built in Traditional and Art-Deco designs. This piano is one of only a handful of carved Louis XV style Symmetry grand pianos.

The piano has had some previous work done, and someone has painted over the serial number (!!!!). The serial number will still be present inside the instrument, but professional disassembly would be required in order to retrieve it.

Available in the following communities
Mountain Brook Trading, AL, US

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